Saturday, November 26, 2011

Son Of The Sun

We are the sons of the Sun
Has come to lighten in this darkness
To release those who insist to remain blind
Bring the light placed in us ..
I am the Son of the Sun
Has come from him and will go to him
His greatness is within me
I just  am ,  then I am happy ....
I was born like everyone else
My state is hidden even to myself
But still I am the son of the sun
He makes me shine even in the great darkness
My spirit harmonizes
With nature, with the light ..
The wisdom ... The being ...
Are part of all
My spirit joins ...
All those universal harmony
As the light that extends to the ends
Part of all, part of everything that  is ....
Within me there is no suffering
Simply because I am ...
There is no fear ..
Because I meet my existence
I let that bright light come into me
I am one with it and lose the notion of    separation
Not know exactly where it begin and where it ends.
I am everything and nothing ... because I look so small
Once that bright light has penetrated inside me
Begins to glow and to give  warmth
Illuminate in the dark where I go
To seek out those who were lost like me
Those that clearly perceive it
Approach to me thinking I am that light  ...
They dont know that it is within themselves
Just have to let it grow  ... that little flame
Let out the darkness ...
Empty the divine  anphora
That creation gave us
Let the fire burn out our imperfections
And let the light within us grows
Primarily as a weak fire
That  slowly grows
To  be a radiant flame
As strong as possible in the time
Enlighten other souls in the dark
With  the not burning fire
   That gives us heat, gives peace ...

May 2 nd, 1977

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