Saturday, November 26, 2011


For those sensitive souls
They are so lonely
To all those who have felt
So strange in the midst of so many beings
For those who once in life
Have seen no hope
We have fallen so many times
Plunged into deep despair
For those who are folded
In the midst of a deep chasm
Let's walk together and seek
A clarity in the distance ..
Just a try
To lift the corner of the veil ...
Vehemently plead
For only a glimmer of light ...
That can illuminate our souls
Between darkness and desolation 
Begging for a little warmth
That our hearts may fail in the cold
Plead for just a sip
Of clear waters to saciate this enormous thirst  ...
Come along and follow that path together
We might just  find
A small light in the distance
That alone is enough for us right now
Maybe we can receive it just by  drops 
Like dying patients
There is no darkness so deep
That can not be lit ..
Pray for a little honey
In our thirsty lips
The flowers are opened on our way
Giving us so pleasant scent and beauty
Come tormented soul in the dark
Lets walk and seek together
Looking for the light of dawn
Glimpsed in the distance
You'll see that we were not alone
There is plenty forall of us
That only a small drop is enough for us
To satisfy that craving supreme
You will see the light dazzles us
You will feel, even for brief moments
This immense happiness within you
The pleasant heat running all our being
You'll see that we will be a little spark
That like a candle shining in this way
The way of many who, like us
Are among this darkness
Leave behind the darkness and pain
The frustration and sadness that kills our soul
To ignite a flame and warmth you give us
And feel the beauty that surrounds us
Come and seek together
The bright sun of dawn
Feel the beautiful colors
Clarity and warmth of its rays on your skin ..

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