Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mendicants for Love

We live this life for love
We suffer because love is absent in our lives
        But many times we have banished it from our side
Even so , love keep coming  to us in many ways
But we are not able to perceive it..
Love is union, union of souls  and our Creator
Union through other souls
Others  that really need  us
But we refuse to give that little piece of mine
We suffer from lack of love
But we are unable to give it
Because we think and believe
Perfect love is waiting for all souls
When love is coming from inside our own hearts
Love comes to those
That simply have a willing heart
For those who have achieved inner peace
And are able to suffer for others
         Love comes to those who have prepared for it

We are Mendicants for Love

 When we have neglected to possess it
     Many times when having it next to us
   We reject and despise it
  Look down on those who have reached
   To win a love , that has kept hope
   Love is not for searching , love is   waiting for
  When we have a heart capable of loving
  We are not worthy of being long
 And still love appears again in our lives
  And again we fail to see it
 Because in our weakness we've been blinded
   Because we have not enough light to see the love

You will crawl on the earth
You will sink into the quagmire
Seek the neglected
Finally find  for your planting field is dry
Is not fertile for such a noble seed.
And drag your misery
And cry a thousand times
Strip you of your clothes
Lose your skin, you will become dust.
And so, your tears and your own dust
Your sadness and suffers
Fertilize your dry field
To once again come to you
The great hope to tell you:
Come to me,  I've searched  you
For centuries and always you have run away from me.
And from the field of poverty
We began to beg for love
And they  deny it from us, 
Those who are fools like us before.
Those who are not able to get that fire
And keep the light within themselves
We have produced so much darkness around us
We  have to clean our own  field
You have to clean our clothes
Have to clarify our waters.
This suffering is scorching fire,
Curing and cleaning  your soul magnifies
And strengthens and makes you want to more forward
It reaches the expected
Who so often despised.
And in your desperation
You  give those you asked for and despised
And desperately looking whom
Miss  what we already have
And believe in your repentance not deserve
Thousandth of what you give
and how grateful you solitude.
And in that quiet solitude
Hear a voice
Does not come from any body
Which has no sound
Comes from inside, very deep inside
And says, here I am, I've always been here
Even though you despised me , here I was,
But you did not want to feel me, and now that you open your heart
Now that you open your doors to me permanently
Let me to accompany you in your loneliness
That never will be it anymore.
And we cry  thousand times,
Because we are  mendicants  for  love
And do not believe our selfs  that someone we despise so many times
Comes to us in that significant way
To fill our world of anxieties
And we will not desire for  anything else.
And give yourself to him
As a child to its mother
And you will join him,
Because you will  never want to separate  from him anymore
And so you become a real lover
For  his name you  will die a thousand times
Nothing seems to outweigh the happiness
The joy of having love.
Even at the cost of death.
We are the mendicants for love.

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