Thursday, July 4, 2013

I Am Nothing

Nothing I am , nothing I have 
just  a small bulging spark of fire
swinging  in favor  of fate
taken by the wind to distant places
Nothing I am, nothing I wish or claim, 
nothing but a leaf carried by the wind
torn apart from the branch that gave  life 
taken by the breeze and  the swaying of time
Nothing more than just desert dust
drifting away by capricious breezes
crossing deserts through the ages
not knowing where  to finally  reach
Just a drop of water immersed in the vast sea
brought by the will  of waves
returning  into the sand after a long journey
to kiss your feet once more
With empty hands from thousands raids
aromatic flower essences have found
who had  pity on my deep wounds
balm of piety were their hands  to my soul
In my weakness they were my strength
fallen with me in the storms
and with me rose up to follow the way
together we wiped away our tears
If I ever  had  shone at certain time
was just the sun rays that  pitied me
giving   the  warmth and light
disappearing in the twilight of a day.
I am nothing, my hands are empty
I have walked thousand roads
I've climbed hundreds of mountains
my skin is leathery from the desert  heat
I am nothing in this world of vanities
where many pretend to be what they have never been
strutting their ego with wishful thinking
unaware that not  a single ray of light is their own
Those  who stand on the top of their glory
 created by their own illusions
easily blown by the winds of time 
vanished  into thin air, consumed by fire
Ephemeral dreams  dissolved in the vastness
only pain they leave behind, only debris on the road
for those being awaken from a dark dream
and suddenly realizing they have nothing and nothing they are
I am just a small spark
that looks for its radiant Sun, to submerge in it
while  climbing the paths of life has reached a peak
in my great loneliness, I have looked only for light
I am nothing, I have nothing
came looking for a drop of your honey
a drop of your clear water 
a ray of light for this sad heart

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Meaningful. Speaks to my soul. I understand.....
